M.S. 运动生理学

博天堂官方入口登陆登录's 运动生理学理学硕士 (MEXP) program with a clinical emphasis offers small, 个性化的课程,把重点放在你身上, as well as extensive hands-on experience in our unique rehabilitation clinic. 我们的 program provides an innovative curriculum taught by faculty with extensive experience in 癌症 and chronic disease rehabilitation, 以及卓越教学的声誉.

Extensive hands-on experiential learning both in and outside the classroom prepares you for future job success. 你将受益于不止一个,000小时的临床经验, 包括实习, and the preparation needed to immediately sit for the ACSM-CEP exam upon graduation. You'll be prepared for careers in inpatient and outpatient cardio肺 rehabilitation, 癌症康复, 压力测试, preventive cardiology programs and various wellness related settings that cater to clients with current or ongoing health conditions.


Exercise physiology is the scientific study of the physiological mechanisms underlying human movement. 在临床环境中, exercise physiologists or exercise specialists work with patients to directly combat their disease using prescriptive exercise, 改善和保持他们的健康. Many patients with chronic conditions such as cardiac disease, 癌症, or metabolic diseases often work through rehabilitation with a certified exercise physiologist.

The field is waiting and you’ll be more than ready for it:

  • 90% of our students obtain a job within three months of graduation.
  • Even before graduating, 81% of our students get a job in their chosen field 他们在我们项目的第二年.
  • 我们的 clinical practical courses prepare you for multiple career options.
  • 我们的 research component gives you the foundation you need to pursue a doctoral degree or career in research.
  • Tuition costs for our program are among the most affordable in the state.
  • 我们的 in-house CURE program provides you with one-on-one patient contact.


我们的 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 Rehabilitative Exercise (CURE) Program includes practical opportunities both on and off campus. During two semesters you’ll receive a diversified clinical experience conducting individualized exercise interventions on patients diagnosed with 癌症 and chronic disease, 还有老年人口, 在我们最先进的治愈诊所. 


Carroll's program delivers the background knowledge and extensive hands-on experience you need to become an expert in clinical rehabilitation. 毕业后,你就会 prepared for a variety of clinical and related specialty certifications, and/or doctoral level work in exercise physiology or other allied health disciplines. This means you’ll be career-ready for a variety of positions, including, but not limited to:

  • 心脏康复 
  • 癌症康复 
  • 研究项目 
  • 糖尿病管理 
  • 压力测试 
  • 老年医学项目 
  • 肺康复 
  • 住院或门诊 
  • 医疗健身设施 
  • 健身及健康诊所 


学生将累积超过1,000 hours of clinical experience through three practicums and a 14-week internship. Recommended experiences meet the requirements for becoming an ACSM Clinical Exercise Physiologist (CEP):

  • 心血管
  • 癌症
  • 代谢
  • 整形/肌肉骨骼
  • 神经肌肉
  • 免疫/血液


“I chose Carroll’s program over others primarily for its diverse education in chronic disease populations.”




参加我们的活动! Speak one-on-one with faculty and our graduate admission counselor, Brian Ish.
Get your questions answered about the program and admission process.



有兴趣但不能参加? 联系Brian Ish了解更多信息:
电子邮件- ishb@sjbngy.com 打电话或发短信 262-425-5696
安排预约:  预订链接

“If you love working with and helping people and have a passion for exercise, 这个领域很适合你!”




除了以上的学习机会, our students have recently completed internships at cardiac, 肺, 和癌症康复网站,如:

  • 阿森松-圣伊丽莎白医院
  • 阿森松东南威斯康辛州梅菲尔路
  • 沃克夏纪念医院
  • 杜克饮食和健身中心
  • AMITA健康Alexian兄弟公司
  • 西北社区医院
  • 雪莉·瑞恩能力实验室
  • 瑞典圣约医院
  • St. 克莱尔医院
  • Aurora Sheboygan Memorial Medical Center—Cardio肺 Rehabilitation Clinic
  • University of Northern Colorado 癌症 Rehabilitation Institute
  • St. 约瑟夫医院心肺康复中心
  • St. 玛丽医院心肺康复科
  • 阿森松圣徒医院心脏康复中心
  • ProHealth 沃基肖 Memorial Hospital—ProHealth Heart and Vascular Care
  • Gundersen Lutheran La Crosse Clinic—Cardio肺 Rehabilitation Center and Healthy Living Center


在MEXP临床项目的第二年, you’ll have the opportunity to engage in research and active data collection. 获得撰写研究提案的专业知识, recruiting clients for testing and gathering full sets of data for analysis. You’ll present your research during the spring semester at Celebrate Carroll, our annual academic conference that highlights scholarly achievements of students and faculty. Select students will also be invited to present research at the regional and national American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Conference each year. Future national conference locations include San Francisco, Washington D.C.圣地亚哥和丹佛.







卡罗尔教授杰西卡·M. 布朗,Ph值.D接受了Endominance的采访.


教授为InBody USA举办虚拟研讨会


卡罗尔教授杰西卡·M. 布朗,Ph值.丹尼尔·沙克尔福德,博士.D, 被邀请为InBody USA做一个虚拟网络研讨会, 创造人体成分技术的世界领导者.



Dr. 杰西卡·布朗博士.D. 博士和. 丹尼尔·沙克尔福德博士.D. are considered pioneers in the field of exercise-based 癌症康复. Together they developed the first 癌症 population-specific treadmill protocol for the measurement of cardiovascular endurance and are the innovators behind Brown’s Phase Program for 癌症康复. The pair have hosted numerous international workshops and trainings on 癌症康复 and developed much of the curriculum currently taught and used by other groups throughout the world. 在卡罗尔,他们创造了 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 Rehabilitative Exercise (CURE) Program, a rehab clinic that focuses on using exercise as medicine for 癌症 patients and those diagnosed with chronic disease.

